Entrevista a Natanya Robinowitz B-MORE POWER Baltimore

Entrevista a Natanya Robinowitz B-MORE POWER Baltimore

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We are Peers Offering Wellness and Education Resources.  

Our Mission

To meet people at the level of their needs and provide them with resources and support to make decision that benefit their lives.  We use a harm reduction approach, because we find that has worked the best in our lives and think it can be most beneficial to the people around us.

“Nowadays, everybody’s scared. That fentanyl — that’s death
— Andrea Towson, NPR

What We've Achieved

  • Regular Naloxone Trainings in our communities
  • Getting the word out about Harm Reduction
  • Disseminating accurate information about the Good Samaritan Law (Good Sam)
  • Placed peers in various organizations throughout the city to share outreach skills and information
  • Expanding our knowledge about harm reduction techniques that are working in other cities across North America
  • Started an Advocacy brand of Bmore POWER
